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File List | 1994-05-16 | 9.4 KB | 121 lines |
- ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
- │ 1 - Hottest Current Software Hits │
- └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
- ACDC120.ZIP 28363 01-08-94 Audio Compact Disc Controller 1.20:
- | resident audio CD player. With full
- | background control, you can play your
- | favorite tracks while running almost any
- | other program. Features include: Skip,
- | Scan, Repeat, Intro Scan, Random Play, 6
- | different time displays, volume control
- | with mute, numeric keypad, eject disc,
- | program and status display, scroll bar.
- | Sup: Mouse/Multiple CD-ROM drives.
- DESK1WIN.ZIP 647509 02-11-94 Desktop Assistant (TM) is a personal
- | information manager for Windows. It
- | includes a To-Do feature, Address book
- | with auto dial, perpetual calendar,
- | notebook, calculator, alarms, and a
- | timer. It's all combined in one simple
- | to use interface.
- ECU15.ZIP 358509 02-22-94 Earth Centered Universe 1.5: Planeta-
- | rium program. ECU simulates many sky
- | features at specified time and place.
- | Includes, but not limited to the stars,
- | planets, Sun, Moon, comets, asteroids,
- | and "deep sky" objects. Constellation/
- | boundary, coordinate grid, ecliptic,
- | local horizon lines also displayed.
- | Prints high quality star charts.
- | Controls modern computerized telescopes.
- FUN23_10.ZIP 880326 03-12-94 AMY'S FUN-2-3 ADVENTURE! 1.0 A must-
- | have educational game for your 2-5 year
- | old child, previously only available
- | commercially! Amy is a cute little
- | puppy who will lead your child on a
- | number learning journey that is sure to
- | be entertaining! Req: VGA/MCGA, 286,
- | 640K. Supports AdLib, Sound Source and
- | Sound Blaster cards. Great graphics,
- | animation, digitized speech & sound!
- HOME26.ZIP 134509 03-25-94 HOME PLAN 2.6 <ASP> Draw, Save, Edit,
- | Print house plans. Fast/Easy; Undo.
- | Auto Dimension; NEW for 2.6: MOVE/COPY/
- | RESIZE drawing elements REVERSE/MOVE
- | plans; Wide Carriage Printers; Show
- | studs and joists; Pre-Drawn furniture
- | Appliances; Calc. square ft; Print 1/8"
- | Print 1/8" per ft; Arc; Door; Wall;
- | Customize colors; Full screen Cross
- | Hairs; horiz/vert 'odometers'; and more!
- LSIGNW.ZIP 367247 02-11-94 Learn to Sign for Windows: Easy-to-use
- | educational program helps you to learn,
- | practice, and review American Sign
- | Language. Supports left & right finger
- | spelling & includes a dictionary of
- | signs for some of the most commonly used
- | words. Translate any text file into
- | sign language & spell it contents on the
- | computer screen. Letter & word quizzes
- | assist in reviewing your knowledge.
- PIX20108.ZIP 667962 03-25-94 PixFolio Image Catalog System Ver 2.0
- | Windows 3.1 graphics utility. Reads BMP,
- | WMF & WPG formats. Maintain and print
- | catalogs, search by keywords or file
- | attributes. Resize, mirror, flip,
- | dither, cut & paste, brigtness &
- | contrast images. Format conversions. Opt
- | KODAK PCD, AVI, WAV, MIDI pkg available
- RAPTOR.ZIP 1930447 04-01-94 RAPTOR ─ v1.0 from APOGEE! (VGA) 386 (or
- | higher) w/2 Megs REQUIRED! Kill for
- | cash! In the future as a mercenary
- | flying the super-tech Raptor, you'll be
- | sent on interplanetary missions to knock
- | off top competitors of MegaCorp. Jaw
- | dropping VGA animation & cinematics.
- | Supports all major sound cards.
- | Developed by Cygnus Studios. Supports
- | mouse & joystick. 4 skill levels.
- SBBACK.ZIP 289898 02-11-94 SPACEBAK 2.4: Frees space on Disk.
- | Allow you to backup and delete files
- | that have not been accessed since the
- | time you specify. User friendly GUI.
- | Extensive online help. Mouse support.
- | File compression. BAT mode operation,
- | and point and click file selection.
- | Works even with drives already
- | compressed.
- SHIH_V3U.ZIP 586093 02-22-94 Shih Dao v3.0a Based on a game played in
- | ancient China, Shih Doa is the ultimate
- | in strategy. Test your will and skill
- | and see if you can become a Master.
- | Fantastic graphics. Mutli boards and
- | tilesets available from your local BBS
- | or in conference 199 at Computers &
- | Dreams BBS. Featuring 256 color grahics
- | and digitized sound effects. REQ: Win
- | 3.1, 256 color driver, REQ: VBRUN300.DLL
- SMTPPR14.ZIP 39096 03-03-94 Wallpaper INSIDE ProgManager, File
- | Manager! Allows different bitmap back-
- | grounds inside Windows MDI applications,
- | including the File Manager, Program
- | Manager, etc. Supports 256 colors, and
- | random selection at start or on a time
- | basis. Have a different bitmap for each
- | program, and each run, or tile one of
- | the standard Windows backgrounds.
- | (c) Oakley Data Services 1993.
- WIZMGR15.ZIP 327259 02-20-94 WizManager 1.5 Fantastic File Manager
- | add-on. All the features you wished for
- | are finally available in this innovative
- | and powerful add-on. Get a colorful
- | buttonbar, a Command Line Box which
- | allows you to enter DOS commands, and
- | great utilities such as Print Directory,
- | Print Tree, System & Disk Info, Scripts,
- | Customized Menus. The ultimate Windows
- | 3.1 and WFW File Manager extender!